Doing Business with Council

  • Council tender and quote documents are prepared in accordance with Council's Procurement Policies and Guidelines. New procurement opportunities will be listed on this website and published in the newspaper media. Council has engaged the services of VendorPanel Public Tenders to manage and administer projects. 

    It is entirely free for suppliers and provides you with an easy to use tool to manage your tender responses.

    Registration is easy:

    1. Go to and click on the ‘Register Now’ button
    2. Search and select the best category for your business
    3. Click on the link you receive to complete your profile

    Once registered, your business profile will be visible to buyers searching in your category and region of service.

    If you need any help in registering, please contact VendorPanel Support: or 03 9095 6181.

    Thank you for your interest towards working with Council.

    To view all current open Tenders through VendorPanel click here.

    For information regarding Local Buy Tenders, including registration, please click on the following link: 

  • Supplier Information Sessions are held to support new and existing suppliers wanting to do business with Council. Sessions vary in topics such as 'How to do Business with Council', 'Requirements around Tender Submissions' to 'Council's Upcoming Capital Works Programs'.

    Council encourages suppliers to come along to sessions to gain knowledge around the needs and requirements for both Supplier and Council and also network with other businesses within the region. Information from our sessions can be found below:

    Previous Sessions Information

    Supplier Information Breakfast - 20 November 2023 - recording of session on youtube

  • Contracts Over $200,000 Awarded by Livingstone Shire Council

    In Accordance With Section 237 Of The Local Government Regulation 2012.