Planning and Development

Planning Scheme 

Planning Schemes support growth and assist in managing development in an area. The Livingstone Planning Scheme 2018 was adopted by Council on 5 April 2018 and commenced on 1 May 2018.  The Planning Scheme sets out Livingstone Shire Council's intention for development in the Planning Scheme area over the next ten (10) years. The Planning Scheme seeks to advance State and regional policies taking into account the local context.

Development Assessment

Livingstone Shire Council's Development Assessment team manages development applications submitted to Council. The applications are assessed in accordance with the process under the Planning Act 2016 within the timeframes set out in the statutory instrument called the Development Assessment Rules. The Planning Schemes support growth and assist in managing development in an area.

The team provides access to services such as the Duty Planner, pre-lodgement meetings, specific written development advice, and issuing of Limited, Standard and Full Development Certificates.

If you are proposing a development on your property, clearly identify what you would like to do and log a Duty Planner enquiry through Council's Online Services portal.  The Duty Planner will be able to assist with general advice and answer questions you may have about the development application process. If you would like detailed advice regarding your proposed development, it is encouraged that you engage a Town Planning Consultant or Surveyor