Economic and Demographic Profile

Economic profile image

The Livingstone Shire Council area economic profile draws on a variety of economic data sources to profile the characteristics of the local economy, how it compares to other areas and how it is changing. It enables users to accurately describe the economy, explore linkages across 
the economy and promote the region.

The Economic Profile of Livingstone Shire Council answers the majority of frequently asked economic questions and assists Council, the general public, students, community groups, organisations, business and investors to become more informed about the local economy.

Community profile image

The Livingstone Shire Council area community profile enables you to analyse the population characteristics of your community, understand how they have changed over time and how they compare to other areas.

The Community Profile of Livingstone Shire Council presents data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing in 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 and 1991 for the local government area, and for smaller areas within it (e.g. suburbs). This data is presented in easy to use tables, charts and commentary covering a wide range of Census questions.

The profile answers the majority of frequently asked socio-demographic questions and assists Council, the general public, students, community groups, organisations, business and investors to become more informed about the community.

Social atlas image

The Livingstone Shire Council Community Atlas presents key socio-demographic characteristics for the area as interactive maps. Based on data from the 2006 and 2011 Census of Population and Housing (Australian Bureau of Statistics), each map is prepared using SA1s providing the finest level of detail to help identify spatial patterns and trends in the area.